W.I.F. Executive Council Members, Associate Members & Honorary Members

Recipients of Nobel Prizes

Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine) Prof. Dr. Julius Axelrod BS MA PhD, h.c.Dr.mult, MNAS FAAAS Snr. MAIM FMRS FMDAderN(Germany) FAN(USA) MACS(USA) MASPEP(USA) MASBC(USA) Inst.Mem.mult
(Discoveries concerning the humoral transmittors in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for their storage, release and inactivation), Guest Worker at the US National Institute of Health, USA, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Foundation at the Brookhaven National Laboratory the Centre for Biomedical Education, Member of the International Brain Research Organisation Member of 13 Editorial Boards and 5 Science Advisory Committees and former Chief of Section on Pharmacology at the Laboratory of Chemical Sciences the National Institute of Mental Health and Health Services and Mental Health Administration, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, USA.

Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine) Prof. Dr. Konrad E. Bloch MA PhD FAAS MNAS MAPS FMRS Inst. Mem. mult.
(Discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism), Higgins Professor of Biochemistry at Harvard University, USA and former Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Chicago, USA

Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine) Prof. Dr. Christian de Duve MSc MD Agrege de l'Enseignement Superieur Dr.h.c.mult. MRAM(Belgium) MRAB(Belgium) MACS(USA) MABS(USA) MASBC(USA) MPAS(Pontifical) MASCB(USA) MDAderNL(Germany) MKAvoorGvanB(Belgium) FMAAA(USA) FMRS(UK) FMRSC(Canada)
(Co-discoverer concerning the structural and functional organisation of the cell), President of the International Institute of Cellular and Molecular Pathology and the Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology(Patron HM Queen Fabiola), Brussels, Belgium, Emeritus Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Cytology at the Rockefeller University and former Professor of Biochemistry at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium.

Nobel Laureate (Chemistry) Prof. Dr. Manfred Eigen, Dr. rer. nat Dr.h.c.mult FRS FANAS
(Co-discoverer of fast chemical reactions caused by very short pulses of energy), Director at the Karl-Friedrich-Bonhoeffer-Institut, Max-Plank-Institut Fur Biophysikalische Chemie, Gottingen-ikolausberg, Germany, former head of separate department of biochemical kinetics at the Max-Planck Institut, Andrew D. White Professor at Large at Cornell University USA and Honorary Professor Technische Hochschule Braunschweig, Germany.

Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine) Professor Sir Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield, Kt CBE Dip.Eng GradIEE Dr.h.c.mult. FRS Hon.FEng Hon.FRCP Hon.FRCR
(For the development of computer assisted tomography)-(Inventor of EMI-scanner), Consultant to Thorn-EMI Central Research Laboratories, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Adviser to the National Heart Hospital and Brompton Hospital, Professional Fellow in Imaging Sciences at Manchester University, Consultant to the National Heart and Chest Hospitals and former Head of Medical Systems Section and Chief Staff Scientist at the EMI Laboratories and Design Leader for EMIDEC (the first large, all transistor computer to be built in Great Britain, UK

Nobel Laureate(Chemistry) Prof. Dr. Jerome Karle, BS, AM MS PhD, h.c.Dr.mult, FAPS MNAS Inst.Mem.mult.
(Co-inventor of direct methods to determine crystal structures), Director and Chief Scientist of the Laboratory of the Structure of Matter at the US Navy, former Research Associate on the Manhattan Project, Head of the Electron Diffraction Section and Head of the Diffraction Branch of the US Naval Research Laboratory, Professor at the University of Maryland, President of the American Crystallographic Association, Chairman of the US National Committee for Crystallography of the National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council, President International Union of Crystallography and Charter Member of the Senior Executive Service (US Government) (Vice-President of WIF), Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Nobel Laureate(Physiology or Medicine) .Prof.Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini MB BSurg. h.c.Dr.mult. Inst.Mem.mult.
(Discoveries in chemical growth factors which control growth and development in humans and animals), Guest Professor at the Institute of Neurobiology of the Italian National Council of Research, Rome, Italy and former Research Director, Institute of Cell Biology of the Italian Council of Research and Professor of Neurology at Washington University, Italy

Nobel Laureate Frederik Willem de Klerk Dr.mult,world Hons. (mult.), SOUTH AFRICA
President of South Africa, Lawyer in Practice, Deputy President with President Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Minister of State (mult.), Leader of the National Party of South Africa, Chairman of the Council of Ministers et al

Nobel Laureate(Chemistry) Prof.Dr.Bruce Merrifield, PhD, h.c.Dr.mult, MACS MASBC MAIC MNAS
(Discoverer of methodology for chemical synthesis on a solid matrix), John D. Rockefeller Jr. Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry at the Rockefeller University, New York, USA, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research, Member of the Editorial Board of Analytical Biochemistry and former Nobel Guest Professor, USA.

Nobel Laureate (Economic Sciences) Prof.Dr. Merton Howard Miller AB PhD h..c. Dr.mult.
(For pioneering work in the theory of financial economics), Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Service Professor and Professor of Banking and Finance, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, U.S.A, Public Director of the Chicago Merchantile Exchange and former Economist at the US Federal Reserve Board, Public Director of the Chicago Board of Trade and Chairman of the Special Academic Panel of the Chicago Merchantile Exchange into the Crash of 1987,

Nobel Laureate (Chemistry) Prof.Dr. The Lord Porter OM kt BSc MA PhD ScD FRS HonFIC Hon.FRSE Hon.FRSC Dr.h.c.mult MAEur FANAS FAAAAS FAAPS FAPontifical Acad. Memb.Inst.mult.
(Co-discoverer of fast chemical reactions caused by very short pulses of energy), Chairman of the Centre for Photomolecular Sciences at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Chancellor of the University of Leicester, Emeritus Professor of the Royal Institution, former President of the Royal Society (Patron HM The Queen), Director of the Royal Institution, President of the Chemical Society, President Comite Internat.de photobiologie, President of the National Association for Gifted Children, President of the R&D Society, President of the Association for Science Education and President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science(BAAS). Founder 'Associate' INEED, UK

Nobel Laureate(Physiology or Medicine) Dr.Richard John Roberts BSc PhD Dr.h.c.mult. Inst.Mem.mult.
(Co-discoverer of split genes), Director of Research, New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA, USA, Executive Editor of Nucleic Acids Research, Member of the Editorial Board of Computer Applications in the Biosciences, Panel Member of the NLM Study Section on Complimentary Biology and former Senior Staff Investigator and Assistant Director of Research at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Miller Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.

Nobel Laureate(Peace) Prof.Dr. Oscar Arias Sanchez PhD Dr. h.c.mult.
Founder and President of the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, San Jose, Costa Rica, Member of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Member Carter Institute, Member of the Institute of International Studies at Stanford University, Member of the ILD Rockefeller Foundation, Member of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, Member of the International Press Service and Board of Directors of the World Wide Fund for Nature and former President of Costa Rica, Professor in the School of Political Sciences at the University of Costa Rica, Minister of National Planning and Economics Policy, Congressman, General-Secretary of the Liberacion National Party of Costa Rica, Costa Rica. Central America

Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine) Prof.Dr. Andrew Victor Schally, BSc PhD., h.c.Dr.mult., MES MAAAS MSBC MAPS MSEBM
(Co-discoverer of the effect of peptide hormone production of the brain) , Chief of Endocrine Polypeptide and Cancer Institute, Senior Medical Investigator of the Veterans Administration Medical Centre (US Government) and Professor of Medicine and Head of Section of Experimental Medicine at the Tulane University Medical Centre, USA.

Nobel Laureate(Chemistry) Prof.Dr. Henry Taube, BS MS PhD Dr.h.c.multi. MNAS MRPS(Lund) MAPS FMRS(UK) Hon.MCSC(Canada) Hon.MHA(Hungary) Hon.FICS(India) Hon.FRSC(UK) FAEA(Japan)
(Mechanisms of electron transfer reactions), Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University, USA and former Professor of Chemistry at the University of Chicago and Chairman of Stanford University, USA.

Nobel Laureate (Chemistry) Sir John E. Walker Kt FRS, BA MA, DPhil, Dr.h.c.mult.
(Co-discoverer by elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate), Director, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Dunn Human Nutrition Unit., Cambridge, UK and former Research Fellow at the University of Winconsins, Research Fellow at the Centre national de la Recherche Scientifique, Research Fellow at the Pasteur Institute of the European Molecular Biology Organisation and Staff Scientist at the Medical Research Council Dunn Nutrition Laboratory, UK.

Nobel Laureate(Physiology or Medicine) Prof. Dr. James Dewey Watson, BS., PhD Dr.h.c.mult. MNAS MAAAS MRDA(Denmark) MAPhilS FMRS(UK) MASc(Russia) Inst.Mem.mult.
(Co-discoverer of the structure of DNA), President, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, former Senior Research Fellow in Biology at the California Institute of Technology, Director of the National Centre for Human Genome Research at the National Institute of Health(NIH) and Professor of Molecular Biology at the Harvard University USA.

Nobel Laureate (Physiology or Medicine) Prof.Dr. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow AB MS PhD h.c.Dr.mult(over 60 in number)
(Discoverer of the development of radioimmunoassays of petide hormones), Senior Medical Investigator, Emeritus, US Government's Department of Veterans Affairs, New York, U.S.A and Member of the Advisory Board of the Encyclopaedia Universalis, Director of the Solomon A. Berson Research Laboratory, Chief of the Veterans Administration at the Radioimmunoassay Reference Laboratory, Professor Emeritus of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University(New York,USA), Solomon A. Berson Distinguished Professor-at-Large, Mt.Sinnai School of Medicine at the University of New York and former Chief of Nuclear Medicine Service at the Veterans Administration Hospital, IAEA Expert at the Instituto Energia Atomica(Brazil), WHO Consultant at the Radiation Medical Centre, Secretary of the US National Committee on Medical Physics, Member of the US President's Study Group on Careers for Women, Member of the Advisory Board of the US National Pituitary Agency, Member of the Endocrinol Study Secretariate of the US National Institute of Health and President of the Council at the Endocrine Society of America, USA

Nobel Laureate Professor Ahmed H. Zewail OM(Egypt) BS MS PhD FNAS FAAAS FAPhilS FAPS Dr.mult, world Hons.(mult.), EGYPT
Linus Pauling Chai Professor of Chemistry & Professor of Physics, Director of the NSF Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Professor (mult.), Current Year outright award winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, Editor-in-Chief, Technical Author (mult.) et al